Minimalism is about want versus need. People who live this intentional lifestyle are in the habit of asking themselves one question: Do I want it or do I need it? If they don’t need it, they
Posted in Business, Lifestyle, Real Estate
In these uncertain times, faith and hope are more important to many than ever. But with safety concerns and guidelines around social distancing and gathering, it can be difficult for organized
Posted in Lifestyle, Real Estate
Your home is a huge investment for you and in your future. Owning your home is a big piece of capital to add to your net worth. Not to mention the fact that your home is your safe space where you are
Posted in Real Estate
Deciding to move your life to New Jersey is a pretty big deal. Not just because it may be the best state in the country but because it is known for its schools, jobs, and great overall atmosphere.
After months of being cooped up inside, you might be wondering if it’s time to take a fall trip by yourself or with your family. While COVID-19 has affected a lot of travel, there are still
Posted in Business, Real Estate
Homebuyers face a difficult problem set. The real estate market is a fickle one, with sellers and buyers competing for great prices and prime location, and of course with real estate agents trying to
Posted in Design, Lifestyle, Real Estate
Home upgrades can make a significant difference when you’re trying to attract buyers for your house. Real estate agents recommend sellers spend money on upgrades before listing their home and
Posted in Real Estate
When you own rental properties, there are certain things you need to do or not do to maximize profits while minimizing problems and stress those problems can cause. Some newer landlords may think it